Friday 27 August 2021

Review: Jakob's Wife (2021)

Stars: Barbara Crampton, Larry Fessenden

Budget: Unknown

Directed By: Travis Stevens

Wow what can I say, I short Jakob's Wife is about marital problems exacerbated by vampiric infection.

Star long time scream queen Barbara Crampton, who like a vampire never seems to age. If there's one thing I can still say about her in this film is that the woman is still smoking hot with everything still able to back that up too!
But there's a lot more to her and the film than that.

The acting from nearly everyone is brilliantly on par with anything these veteran actors have been in before. Both Babs and Larry knock it out of the park with performances their performances.
Larry a slightly overbearing pastor husband Jakob to Babs slightly downtrodden wife Anne.

When Anne is bitten and transformed into a half vampire she starts to lose all the tendencies that made her subservient to Jakob.
We then get some amusing scenes later where they are trying to work things out between them as Anne starts to feel more empowered by the change.

Jakob soon learns that Anne is infected and seeks to cure it, Anne on the other hand, along with whispers of 'the master' (the vampire who turned her) is unsure if she wants to go back to being normal her. She does however seem to really love Jakob as she saves him and resists feeding on him a few times out of her feeling for him.
The ending was a little weak who it kind of boils down to a bit of misogyny on the master vampires part. True if she's really old then yes her times would have indeed been bad for her and Babs former life was as I stated quite downtrodden. But that's the thing these days and something the movie does show at points too, it's all about sitting down and talking. Though judging by the ending I don't know how well that went!

Some other good points the soundtrack is awesome, really reminded me of older horror films with the plinky plonky of pianos to the dun dun dun dun of something like the beginning of The Thing. The effects were great, realistic blood no CGI shit, as far as I could tell. The masters effects were very nosferatu vampiresque again a nice throwback.

Some minus points, the film can be slow in certain acts, seeming a little over stuffed with nothing going on or just things that weren't really needed. The pacing and theme were also a little off, with somethings moving at bullet speed to others just taking it's time. The theme was horror and the musical score solidified that mostly, but there was strange moments of comedy and satire that didn't gell well with the rest of the movie, they just stood out more due to this.

Overall though I really did enjoy this and most things the Babs is in gets high praise, Jakob's wife is no different, though not just for her but also some stellar supporting cast. THN awards Jakob's Wife (2021)
A solid 4 out of 5 stars.

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