Sunday 10 May 2020

Review: The Crazies (2010)

Crazies ver2.jpgStars: Timothy Olyphant, Radha Mitchell

Budget: $20 million

Directed By: Breck Eisner

A Remake of the 1973 version, which I will get around to reviewing at some point too. For now we are including this in the Corona Virus contagion month!

Just as with anything there's people out there who are wondering if this is all a government conspiracy or some bio engineered death plague gotten free or purposefully set free to quell the masses.
The original of this was filled with those fears, is the 2010 version a product of paranoia or just an of the time zombie movie remake cash in?
Lets take a look and judge for ourselves shall we.

The remake like the dawn of the dead remake did reasonably well with both viewers and critics of the time labeling it middling to good. Which pretty much what any remake should be going for, if not higher. I'm a big fan of Timothy Olyphant too he's won me over in a lot of roles. Really liked him in the Santa Clarita diet too, though it went a bit mad in the last series then it was cancelled, still was a fun watch.

Olyphant plays David a small Iowa town Sheriff, his wife (Radha) Judy is the town doctor, she is also pregnant during the film. They both start to see the townsfolk begin to exhibit strange behavior even violence. David and Russell (his deputy) find that a crashed military aircraft in a nearby source of water for the town.
They suspect the cargo of the craft is what is to blame for the weird behavior, this is pretty much confirmed when the phones get cut off then the army moves into town. They take over the high school to quarantine people.

While being tested for the virus David is announced clean though Judy is found to be infected. Later David and Russell break in to rescue Judy from the quarantine. They do so as well as Judy's assistant Becca. Then try to escape from town which has become increasingly dangerous due to soldiers shooting civilians on site and the civilians themselves becoming increasingly unstable.
When they steal vehicle Becca is killed by one of the crazies during a helicopter chase, the survivors only just survive after their vehicle get destroyed.
An intelligence officer the meet tells them all about the virus and how it was that, that got released into the water supply. Russell now starting to act a bit more violent gets angry shooting the officer. Russell however realizes he is infected himself so sacrifices himself to some guards while David and Judy make an escape.

Theres a revelation then a few more swapping of vehicles with tense will they escape/won't they escape scenes, before the end, do they make it out? You'll have to see for yourself but stay tuned during the credits for some interesting snippets.
THN enjoyed the crazies, awarding the film a solid 3 out of 5 stars with a recommendation to watch.

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