Saturday 30 November 2019

Review: In the Tall Grass (2019)

Image result for in the tall grassStars: Patrick Wilson, Rachel Wilson

Budget: 5m+

Directed By: Vincenzo Natali

Based on a book/novella written by Stephen King and Joe Hill. Was shown at Fantastic Fest earlier in the year then recently put on Netflix.
Probably one of the many films bought up by Netflix around a number of film festivals at that time.
Possibly also due to the rumor that it went a little over $5m budget then Netflix stepped in to help it into festivals. But that's just things I've heard on the grapevine, which may or may not be true.
James Marsden was also toted for the role of Patrick Wilsons, Ross Humbolt.

When 6 month pregnant Becky DeMuth (Laysla De Oliveira) and her brother Cal (Avery Whitted) pull over near a tall grass field when she feels a little ill, they hear a young boy shouting for help from within.
Cal and Becky go in to try help the boy (Tobin) find his way out. They quickly become aware that the field is not all what it seems to be. They realise this when their voice seem to be coming from different directions despite them standing still to call out to each other. Each one finds another member of a family who appears to have gone in before them, Becky finds Tobins father Ross, Cal finds Tobin himself.
Things quickly go wrong for both of them and it appears that Becky dies, then Cal vanishes. What seems like ages outside of the grass, we see Travis (Becky's Ex) played by Harrison Gilbertson who is now searching for Becky. He asks a gas station attendee but she seems to not know.
He drives near the area Cal and Becky stopped seeing their vehicle by a dilapidated church (where Cal Parked up so the could go into the field). He also hears people shouting for help from within the field too then goes in to look for them.
It seems things keep repeating in and out of linear time within the field, we also find out if you die in the field your body stays in the same place and doesn't move anymore. Later we see Ross has been possessed by some weird stone that resides in the middle of the field which he says has shown him the true meaning of the field. In horror movie speak turned him into a nutty killer. In and out of sequence the people meet then team up to try to survive the killer grass maze, they even come across a weird bowling arena at one point to take refuge.

Okay so Travis has come looking for Becky because outside the field they've been missing for about 2 months. He is the father and Cal hates him, no one is good enough for his little sister (almost to a sexual degree too). This movie has a great idea but it spoiled by numerous things throughout its run time, the run time being one its a little long and inflated to me.
The rock plot-line is a tad weird too it might have been a good idea to just keep it to the grass sending someone mad perhaps. The main thing for me though I really try to stop it clouding my judgement of films with it included. Peril to babies, this film goes one step beyond for me in that respect with the death of a NEW BORN baby.
It's ultimately a story-line of redemption and doing the right thing that ultimately gets them out of their pickle in the end. It's okay I suppose and if you have the 1hr 41mins to spare i'm sure most people won't get hung up on the baby stuff like i did.

THN awards In the Tall Grass 2 out of 5 that's me being trying to ignore the baby stuff as much as possible.

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