Wednesday 7 August 2019

THN: Sequel It: Friday The 13th

Not everyone likes sequels, some people think some series's should have ended a while ago, others want more and/or aren't happy with where things were left off. This new series I intend to try publish 2 monthly i'll deal with trying to get the sequel people want, no reboots, re-imaginings etc just good old continuation. So in this is a new section where I gather knowledge from around internet including people I talk to, fan-fictions, as well as popular theories. Using these sources of knowledge I try to put together the sequel everyone's looking for. these wont be massive in-depth explanations (well I'll try not to), mostly bullet points (most of the time) also ultimately it is my views so it might not please everyone:

Return to Friday the 13th: Jason's Home
Cast: Thom Matthews as Tommy Jarvis
           Lar Park Lincoln as Tina Shepard
           Kimberly Beck as Trish Jarvis
           Dana Kimmell as Chris Higgins
           Kane Hodder as Jason
           Micheal Vorhees/anyone semi known
           Jane Vorhees/anyone semi famous
           Kelly Vorhees/any semi famous kid actor
           Tony Todd as Julius Duke
           Campsite people/random nobodies

I think this pretty much fulfills the casting options most of the characters people want to see, with returning faces everyone has asked for.

Ignoring Freddy vs. Jason, as some kind of separate entity or timeline, but set some time after part 9 but before X we join Micheal Voorhees. Micheal is a descendant of the Voorhees lineage, he has inherited the old Voorhees house.
He's heard of the stories and the deaths, he wants his family to have nothing to do with it, the house to be demolished then land sold on. Searching around the back yard he notices amongst the rusty remains of a jungle gym a dark discolored patch of grass. A mysterious something glints in the light of the sun.
Mysteriously drawn to it, we as the audience hear the infamous kill, kill, kill, Ma Ma Ma as he draws nearer. He sees the tiniest slither of metal protruding from the ground.  Digging through the dirt he pulls out an unassuming knife, that once properly in his grip transforms into a large blade.
It causes a cut on Micheal's hand, drops of blood splash to the ground. We see it, unknowingly to him being quickly absorbed into the dirt. He runs into the house where his wife, Jane and daughter Kelly fluster around him as he washes his hand. None of them notice the knife return to normal as Micheal places it on the side. Jane angrily remarks that the place is still taking blood, they escort him to the room to get him patched up.

Cut to the outside of a small town supermarket the sign reads Crystal Lake superstores, we head in to see the checkouts. Packing bags is an aged Tommy Jarvis, he smiles as he helps out customers. Some smile walking off, others nudge their friends saying about "the nutcase" helping out.
Despite most the past murders being attributed to Jason or his copycat's Tommy is still distrusted by others for being in and out of mental homes for so long. Jane Voorhees comes to the opposite till with Kelly in tow, she smiles at Tommy who waves. The attendant mentions that she's one of the new people that own the old Voorhees house.
Tommy's face quickly turns dark, overreacting he tells them to stay away from the house the killer Voorhees lived there. Tommy suddenly recoils when Jane mentions she is a Voorhees herself. They walk in a huff, Tommy is quickly called into the back his job threatened by the manager who states "he's already doing him a favor" Tommy apologizes.

That night we see Tommy doing his favorite hobby speaking on his CB radio, he talks about Jason and his fears of his return but he's more than ready this time. His shelves still hold his old mask paraphernalia. Cut to elsewhere we see a hand it's fingers tapping along a big sawed off shotgun that sits next to a CB radio (It's Julius Duke, Creighton's brother) a laugh (like only Tony Todd can do) rings out as he grabs the gun then leaves.

Back at the Voorhees house, it's now nighttime and now deserted, we travel through the front door to the back yard. a blood red circle appears in the discolored patch of discoloured grass. The dirt seems to start pouring in like an hourglass from the center of the circle (similar to the effects of the orange/red lights that came from Jason in part 9 they now start hitting the ground). suddenly a blackened tattered leather gloved hand erupts from the dirt, it's still faintly yellow but the fingertips are now gone showing almost fully skeletal tips. Then the whole arm clad in a charred cloth shirt with patches of gnarled skin showing through holes fully erupts from the hole. Some of the gnarled skin is badly burnt revealing sore looking charred red wet looking muscle underneath.
A second equally garbed arm plows through the opposite side the massive muscles flex. A malformed lump akin to the top of a deformed head pulls free looking up to the moonlit sky. (It's not the meatball look of part nine more like part 4 with all the previous damage still there, head axe wound scar, one eye missing due to Tommy's strike, the socket skeletal, burnt and fractured. All the rest of his skin taught, burnt almost like Freddy in the new nightmare film, (that's right a face reveal this early on!)
Pulling himself out totally we see him look around surveying the area like part 9 was only recent for him. His head with its rictus grin looks toward the hole. It does the lolling to one side in the puppy dog way he does trying to make sense. Dropping to his knees he thrusts one hand back into dirt hole. His superhuman muscles straining as he pulls forth a squealing demon of some kind. in it's grasp it holds a mask to its chest defiantly, its damaged to the level of part 7, yet sooty, slightly charred with the chevrons missing but still visible where they were, it's still distinctly his hockey mask. The demon hisses snapping at him but with a quick flick of his wrist the demons neck breaks. It drops the mask, retrieving his mask he places it on his face. The discarded demon dissolves into the ground. Jason turns to face the camera his one good eye full of rage. We then hear Jason's mothers voice.
"Kill them Jason, get your revenge none of them can survive, or they'll send you back to the bad place, mommy loves you dear"
With that he strides off into the night. Beginning credits roll something new from Alice Cooper but in the same vein as man behind the mask.

Trish Jarvis an old woman now lives alone, like Tommy she's never been able to have a stable relationship since that night with Jason. She's just always had trust issues. Despite being there that night living through it then watching Tommy kill the killer. She's also been unable to face her brother since. Especially since He'd been unable to believe that Jason was dead, yes there had been killers in his wake. Hell she'd even thought about getting in touch with him after the Roy incident, that was until Tommy went mad and got himself institutionalized again after scaring a bunch of kids. 
The agents came and explained to her that it had all been mostly delusional visions on his part. Especially after his then girlfriend tried to defend his innocence.

Reading a book in bed a loud sound from downstairs startles her, she goes down to have a look. Boom a cat startles her. She backs up right into Jason who attempts to grab her. She manages to fight back for a while escaping to the back shed. At some point she's grabbed her cellphone, hiding she tries to ring the police on the phone. She cries saying Tommy was right all along into the receiver just as his charred leather gloved hands crash through the walls. Trish drops the phone which Jason inadvertently steps upon as the officer on the end says "mam?"
He grabs her and strangles her to the ground until she dies. One old enemy down he strides off once more.

Tommy obliviously enters work the next day he frowns when all the workers turn to look at him, pale-faced. Looking towards where they were, on the TV there's a report that a woman named Trish Jarvis has been killed in a nearby town. His face drops and he rushes out despite protestations from the manager of the store, taking his pick-up truck he drives off. We see another car pull out to follow his from the parking lot.

We next see the Voorhees couple dropping Kelly off to the new camp ground. Its called Higgins camp. They tell her it's only for a few days while they go back to help clear the old house. We see, though she was last seen in a hysterical state at the end of part 3, Chris Higgins She now owns and runs the new camp for children along with younger teen counselors.
She does a slight double take at Kelly's last name, but then thinks nothing of it as she shows Kelly and her parents around the camp, then to her own group. Her parents say their goodbyes then leave.

Her parents return to the house to begin removing any salvageable or worth anything from their new acquired abode. Micheal hears some creaking and scratching noise from a nearby wall it stops and they just think it's animals. Jason suddenly crashes through the wall as they begin talking and enjoying themselves. The special knife which was on the side goes flying across the floor.
"Holy shit it can't be!" Micheal screams.
We see how different Micheal's side of the family is as he hopelessly tries to reason with him. He says that they to are all Voorhees and that this can finally be put all the bad behind them, he can even be part of their family.
Jason seems to stand there listening until Micheal gets too close, then Jason grabs him. Drawing him into a mighty bear hug Jason crushes him forcing blood to spray from his mouth, Jane smashes Jason across the back with the sweeping brush handle. He drops an almost dead Micheal, to turn on her. On the floor he spots the knife, using all his effort he drags his crushed body forwards.
Picking up the snapped part of the handle Jason grabs Jane by the neck. He lifts her up then pins her to the wall almost instantly killing her as she feebly touches the handle before her head droops. Micheal is still trying to crawl towards the knife he found outside, he still doesn't know it's special he just wants a weapon.
Jason steps on his hand Micheal screams as the bones crush in the process. He picks up the knife which has no reaction to his touch, Micheal looks up muttering please as Jason thrusts the knife into the top of his head. He places both corpses in the basement just as loud engines rev outside.
Two large JCB's begin to destroy the house burying Jason and the two corpses in the basement in the process.

In the next town over Tommy barges into the sheriffs office, even they know who he is and warn him to keep calm or they'll arrest him. They play the recording from Trish's phone call for him, he breaks down as he hears his sister voice for the first time in years. Even more so when she says sorry for not believing all those times.
"I'll kill him Trish, for you this time for good" He shouts.
The police ask him if he wants to identify the body, he says he knows his sisters voice and that's good enough for him. They tell him not to go causing problems it's probably just another copycat killer there's been no confirmed sightings of Jason for twenty years or more.
Tommy just nods then turns to leave.
"That's what they want you to believe, he's back Sheriff you know it just as well as I do" He says before he walks out of the station.
He's taken aback suddenly as he notices a cowboy hat wearing man stood leaning against his pick up truck. He looks up with a smile at Tommy.
"Tommy Jarvis, in the flesh" he sneers
"Listen I don't have the time"
"Jason he's returned hasn't he?" The man says more seriously.
Tommy asks who he is, He introduces himself as Julius Duke, telling him he's sorry about his sister. Tommy up to date on all things Jason asks if he's the brother of Creighton Duke. Smiling Julius says his brother would have asked a price for that kind of information. He then explains that he's not as severe as his brother. Though yes many years ago his brother and some Voorhees descendant did fight off Jason in some big battle. All he knows it involved some special knife that could kill the evil inside Jason.
The only way he'd have found some way of making it back would have involved the knife and another relative. If that is the case he'll be stronger than ever now. Tommy tells him about about the two Voorhees relatives getting ownership of the house only a day or two ago. Asking if he is back can they kill him again the same way.
Julius shakes his head, saying he doesn't know if the knife will be strong enough on it's own to kill Jason a second time around, that it might also require more of a sacrifice for it too work now. Jason will know this and attempt to seek to kill them all first. Tommy says they should get to the Voorhees house and warn them about it all. Julius gets in Tommy's truck and they both drive off.

Back at the Voorhees house Jason manages to break his way out of the wreckage while the two drivers are taking a break, he kills them both with random tools.
"The accursed camp Jason, they play and ignore poor children there even to this day, go there, show them Jason"
Listening to mommy he then sets off.
While on his way to Higgins camp he comes across a frivolous couple having secret sex in the woods. As is customary in these movies, he kills them in some gruesome way then carries on his way to the camp.

Tommy along with Julius arrive at the destroyed Voorhees house, they find the dead JCB drivers stuffed into their vehicles. Hoping they aren't to late for the others. Julius spots a car in the not yet knocked down wooden garage. Fearing the worst the two men dig through some debris revealing the basement trapdoor.
Opening it they both descend into the darkness, turning on torches they are greeted by the corpses of the two Voorhees elders.
Julius exclaims they've been dead a while from different causes. Tommy says they had a daughter, she must be somewhere else considering she's not dead with her parents down there. Looking for more clues in their car Tommy finds the admission slip for Kelly to Higgins camp. Julius says they need to get her before Jason does. He frowns a little when Tommy says he needs to go to get something that will help them. Julius takes the Voorhees car saying he'll go to the camp to make sure Kelly is fine then. They both go their separate ways. However a nosey neighbor comes over to see what the madman Tommy and his creepy friend was doing and finds the corpses, she screams running back to call the police.

Chris Higgins is still paranoid from her night of terror, so when a car pulls up outside Higgins camp she reaches for her revolver. Moving out onto the porch she watches tentatively as Julius exits the vehicle.
"That's far enough" She says.
"No problem" Shouts Julius.
"You can keep the gun in your pants for now" He says too.
She frowns. He walks forwards explaining who he is and that he also knows who she is. She relaxes a little until he says about Jason being back.
"No, no he can't be he was killed years back" she says a little hysterically.
"I'm afraid he's back, it's all linked to a young girl you have here" He explains.
"It's that little Voorhees girl, Kelly isn't it" She knew the moment the girl came.
"We need to get everyone, especially her out of here!" Julius exclaims.
Suddenly a scream from across the green where the cabins are makes both of them look over towards the noise. Running out of the darkness screaming comes one of the young female counselors. A male follows close behind limping holding a cut up arm too.
He brutally cut down as from the shadows emerges the charred, scarred Jason Voorhees. Chris screams, Jason seemingly recognizing the sound of Chris's voice looks directly at her. Chris strides off of the porch drawing her handgun. All six shots squelch wetly into various sections of Jason, yet he seemingly shrugs them off without an ounce of care or pain.
"No, no, no you won't get me again" She backs up tripping backwards as Jason holds up a hand brandishing a newly found machete.
There's a deafening roar as Julius walks forwards swinging his duster coat open. Inside is the pearl handled sawed off shotgun, he rams it right into Jason's torso pulling both triggers at once.
Chunks of burnt rancid flesh along with the thickest black blood burst from Jason's back. The force of the blast sending him tumbling backwards onto the ground.

At the noise and gun shots the kids come running from their dorms in fear, screaming at Chris and crying.
"You need to snap out of it, get these kids to safety, especially the Voorhees kid"
We see Kelly go wide eyed at this mention.
"Yes, yes the bus i'll go and get it"
Julius begins to reload his weapon as Jason does his sudden sit up thing.
"Get behind me kids, especially the girl named Kelly Voorhees"
Getting to his feet supernaturally fast Jason strides towards the hapless group. Julius pulls up the shotgun again Jason has managed to close the gap inhumanly fast somehow, Jason bats the gun aside sending the double shot awry and flooring Julius. He goes to slash at a floored Julius who manages to dodge the first blow, as the modified school bus comes charging around the corner.
Painted in camp colours with the words Higgin's Camp! painted on the side too. It rams right into Jason. For a second time the monstrosity man is thrown from his feet as the front end crumples on his unnatural bulk.
Julius sorts himself out dusting himself down from the swipe. He begins to usher the kids onto the bus as Jason lays dormant. From out of the shadows two of the counselors come running too, a boy closely followed by a girl. Jason's hand whips out grabbing the boys ankle as he tries to pass, twisting his hand the lads ankle snaps. He falls screaming to the floor, Jason rises once more crushing the screaming boys face into the dirt as he does.
Already on the bus Julius reaches out for the girl grabbing her hands. Just as she's almost safely on board Jason manages to grab her ponytail. He yanks her hair back strongly, with a snapping noise her limp body falls from the bus.
"Put your damn foot down Chris" Julius shouts over the sounds of the children screaming.
Jason is left with the dead counselor at his feet and a torn ponytail in his hand as the bus speeds off.

Despite wanting to go straight to the Voorhees house Julius sees that taking a bus full of children isn't the best option. He agrees with Chris to take them to the sheriff's office, though skeptical they might even be able to get the police's help too.
Hearing the screaming the crying of children the sheriff comes out before they can even disembark. He spots Julius and draws his gun asking him to step away from the kids.
A man matching his and Tommy Jarvis description was called in for a multiple homicide earlier.
It's all panned out that the Voorhees kid will stay in the station until someone can pick her up. Chris refuses to go stating that Jason is back, she saw with her own eyes.
The deputy is to take the kids home while the sheriff and the other cop stay and watch their prisoner and Kelly.
"Look Chris something is going on, but this man was seen with that lunatic Jarvis earlier, how do you know this isn't some sick thing they've cooked up to make everyone believe he's back?"
"Lunatic? Really Joe, you thought that of me perhaps considering I've seen him too? I know what I've seen" Chris says ashen faced.
"I didn't mean it that way, there's a lot to work out here, the kids folks are dead, some others were found in the wood earlier too, now your saying some young counselors, what am I supposed to do?"
"Maybe see what's in front of you for a change, hell just make sure that girl stays safe, she's the one he's truly after" Chris walks away back to Julius.
Julius has been locked in a cell, he looks up as Chris comes into the holding area.
"He's going to be here soon, if all else fails get that girl to safety and wait for Tommy"
Literally minutes later theres a crash from the front of the building. Chris turns in terror to the direction of the noise.
"The girl Chris" Julius shouts.
She runs into the main office where Jason is stood in the area of the front doors. The sheriff and his other officer are stood in shock and awe at the sight.
Ignoring Chris, Jason begins to stride towards the two officers. Though she knows he's more interested in what's behind them than the two stood in front of him.
The sheriff orders him to stop or they'll open fire, both start firing as Jason descends upon them. They're six shooters fire hardly making a difference.
"Throw me the cell door keys" she shouts to the sheriff.
He does as asked as grabs the female officer, he throws her through a nearby window with ease.
Chris runs to unlock the cell with Julius locked in.
"Kelly you hide in there darling" the sheriff shouted.
Jason draws his machete from it's sheathe to swing at the sheriff, holding up a hand in protection results in his arm being amputated at the elbow.

Julius free and Chris come back around the corner to see the sheriff fall to the ground holding his stump. Spotting his shotgun and ammo on a nearby table he rushes for it.
Bravely the sheriff draws a combat knife from his boot with his good arm. He rams it into Jason's thigh causing him to grunt in pain.
He swings the machete again removing the man's head this time, then looking up crashes through the back door. He looks about for the hiding young girl. Despite herself she lets out a scream alerting him to her position.
Before he can stride towards her hiding place Chris heroically charges in smashing a wooden chair over his back. His machete slides across the room.
"Come on freak, I know your obsessed with me"
Quick as lightening Jason reaches out to Chris throat, as he chokes her she flashes back to that time when he first chased her.
"Chris, fight back!" Julius shouts.
She comes too, spotting the knife still in Jason thigh, kicking out she drives it deeper into his leg. He grunts dropping her to the ground.
Julius instantly unloads both barrels into Jason's back sending him flying into spare desks.
"Kelly quickly run to Chris" the girl runs out of her hiding spot towards the both of them. They all turn to quickly leave the room. A few feet away from the door bright lights flare from outside the station.
Distracted the three don't notice as the combat knife flies from the shadows of the room. It buries itself deep into Chris's shoulder causing her to cry then stagger.
"What the hell" Julius cries.
Jason comes striding from the room, Julius tries to quickly reload the gun.
"Forget it, Julius, run with Kelly" Jason strides over towards them. The hurt Chris throws herself Infront of Jason.
Closing her eyes, she accepts the death she escaped all them years ago.

"Hey maggot head, remember me?" Comes a familiar voice.
Chris opens her eyes. Seeing Jason seeming straining to bring his muscled arm down upon her.
"I brought a friend too" Tommy shouts.
Looking over towards the voice she sees a man and woman, the woman has her hand outstretched a strained look on her face too.
Reloaded Julius once again empties both barrels into Jason. It sends him sprawling again, though seemingly more pissed off than ever he sits up almost right away.
"He's enraged, we need to get away" Julius says.
"Tina!!" Tommy shouts.
Julius and Chris watch on as the blonde woman gestures with her hand sending multiple metal desks crashing into Jason. Chris drops to her knees.
Buried under metal and wood they hear crashing as he fights his way from under the debris. Julius sends Kelly over to Tommy and Tina then helps Chris to her feet.
They all run out to Tommy's pick up laying Chris the back, Tina and Kelly leap up with her.
Julius gets in the front with Tommy.
"We need to get back to the house and find the knife" he looks back to the blonde woman. She's sat Kelly at her side, Chris's head in her lap.
"Tina shepherd, she got locked up not long after I did apparently she'd brought Jason back up from the lake after I drowned him a second time"
"What was that she was doing?" Julius asked.
"She's psychic and telekinetic, although she kept that hidden from everyone apart from me, we helped each other while locked up, I don't think we'd have made it through without each other"
"Guys I don't mean to worry you but Chris isn't looking good here, also if the bodies have been discovered" she said trying to speak as simply as she could so not to scare Kelly.
"Wouldn't they be holding them at the coroner's in the hospital?"
Tommy and Julius look at each other, Tommy switches gears then makes a U-turn. Chris is very pale, the knife is still in her and seemingly caused more damage than it first seemed.

They pull up at the hospital, Julius and Tommy head around the back towards the coroner's office. Tina, Kelly and a limping Chris head in through the front doors.
Explaining the situation doctors rush in and take Chris away, telling Tina and Kelly to wait in reception.

Around the back Tommy and Julius sneak into the morgue section of the hospital.
"You and Jason, you go back a long time" Julius questions Tommy.
"Since he attacked my family all those years ago, it's like he's imprinted himself on me ever since" Tommy explains.
"Weird you should say, I found a bunch of recordings from a long time back, your father he had dealings with Mrs Vorhees back when she first lost Jason"
"I never knew, he was very private man, after everything that happened I never heard from him again" Tommy explains.
"Your family is inextricably linked with the Vorhees further back than even you knew" Julius finishes picking the lock.
"I wish I'd never heard of the damned name" he spits angrily.
They make their way into the building. Quietly checking everything over as they go through.
"Was there not a time after the copycat killer Roy, that you thought you were possessed?" Julius asks.
"Yeah I almost killed someone else who survived that night, I just about managed to fight it back but it still got me locked up again" Tommy shakes his head.
"Then you and friend escape again and bring the real Jason back from the dead a few years later right?"
"Yeah, that was a bowl of laughs, I think all the killings after that are pretty much my fault" Julius laughs.
"If it wasn't you, it would have been someone else, besides the possession thing, my brother followed a case a few years back, they thought they'd managed to kill Jason with a task force" Julius explains.
"I remember the FBI came to see me asking if I knew anything about him, questioned me for hours, I told them as much as I could" Julius pulls out a cadaver.
"Jason possessed many people after that night, killed my brother in the process, before regaining his body back from a dead relative"
"That family is just fucked up" Tommy shakes his head.
"Some fucked up shit for sure, Creighton was sure black magic or worse was involved but it's never been proved"
"Here this is the father, Micheal Vorhees, papers says the knife was removed and stored in the backroom"
"Magic knives, possession, it's nothing normal, that's for sure Julius" he nodded as they proceed to the back.
"Just don't kick yourself too bad, if he is capable of possession maybe he really did take over Roy then try to take you over too"
"Yeah, let's get that's knife and end this for good"
They both go over and Julius forces the locked door open, they both search. Tommy find the knife in a sealed bag.
"This it?" He asks.
"Yeah, let me take that" he grabs the bag before Tommy can really answer.
"We really have to rely on a small child to try and kill this monster?" Tommy asks.
"We'll see about that when we get to it" they both sneak out of the office.

Meanwhile Tina is waiting in the waiting room with Kelly. The young girl begins to sob.
"Hey, come on, I know you've been through a lot darling but we'll protect you now" Tina cuddles her.
"I just miss my mom and dad, the police told me either the other man who helped me or some relative of mine killed them, why would he do that?"
"First off, I'm sure Julius wouldn't save you if he was a killer, if Tommy trusts him then I do too, as for Jason, he may have your family name but there's nothing but evil inside that man, so don't worry about that"
"I saw him, he's so scarred and was shot lots and still got up, he'll kill us all" she cried.
"Not if I've got anything to do with it" Kelly buries her face into Tina's side.

A doctor comes out twenty minutes later, Tina looks up then he heads towards them.
"Good news, we've removed the knife, it did cause excessive bleeding which we've stopped, she'll need a transfusion, we are in the process of stitching the wound up now" the doctor smiles.
"Great news doctor, I'll tell my friends when they get here"
"Good good, she'll be in room 2b in about fifteen to twenty minutes, I'll leave you be now" the doctor strides off back through the doors.
Tina lived in a bigger town, that's where Tommy had gone to get her. It was weird to see such a small hospital that was also pretty quiet. Since they had come in nearly thirty or forty minutes ago only one other person had come in.
They were sat a distance away cradling their head, Tina could sense he was in pain with it.
Suddenly her vision blurred as a premonition happened.
Tommy, Julius, her and Kelly were stood almost going through the doors to see Chris?
The main doors auto open, the desk attendant screams and runs. In the commotion the bad head man looks up too, he attempts to run.
To close to killer, Jason has his machete back, in one deft swing the man is cut down sprawling to the ground gaping wound from chest to waist. Her vision clears just as the double doors auto open in real time.
She's happy to see Tommy then Julius stride through the doors with a look of accomplishment on their faces.

Tina beckons them over quickly. Leaving Kelly seated she rushes to meet them halfway.
"He's near I just I just had a premonition of him coming, we need to get Chris, you did find the knife right?"
Julius jangles the bag in front of her.
"Kelly quickly come to me" the young girl runs over.
"Can't we just use this here?"Tommy asks.
"No, it's been used once Tommy, it's power is severely depleted, we need a Voorhees and the exact spot he died before even then it might not work properly"
"You really expect Kelly to do that?" Tina asks quietly.
"We'll all help, I'm not sure how but we will" he eyes Tommy.
Suddenly there's the sound of the doors swishing open. Looking over they see the terrifying form of Jason, yet he unlike in Tina's vision looks strangely as the door automatically opened like it puzzled him. The sudden scream of
"Oh god what the hell?" From behind the counter quickly snaps him out of his wonder.
"That's a child's mind trapped in a man's body" Julius comments.
"Kelly inadvertently screams too" the striding behemoth sets his sights on them.
They all run through the double doors into the corridor beyond them. Unseen to them the migraine man tries to make a break for it but like the vision is cut down.
In the corridor all four run down the wards, Tina tells them it's ward 2b. Rushing into the room there's six patients in bed. A women with a trolley full of full syringes turns startled.
"Oh what are doing here?" She asks sharply.
"Chris Higgins, where is she?" Tommy asks.
"Last bed on the right, your lucky I was just coming to sedate the patients for the night" she waves her hand over the needles.
"Chris needs to come with us now" they say.
Loud clomping bootsteps come from down the corridor and other people start to scream. The other patients start to sit up or wake.
They all scream as Jason strides to the door of the ward.
"Chris if you can hear us we need to get going, Tina can you do anything" she looks around.
The other patients are starting to run for the door, blocking the way.
"I can't I might hit one of them" she screams.
"Get to the back of the room, we'll get out of the window if needs be" Julius shouts.
Chris comes from behind the curtain of her bed. Still pale, her arm in a sling, her other hand holding a bone saw. Tina covers Kelly's eyes as Jason mercilessly cuts down the patients as they try to run from the room. One or two have stayed in bed shivering and screaming.
"No, no, no" screams the nurse.
As Jason now strides in towards her. Chris spots something and hands Tommy the bonesaw.
"Keep the little girl safe" she says weakly smiling at him.
"Chris no!" Tommy shouts.
Jason takes the nurses head cleanly off with his machete. He sees Chris running at him, she's picked up, despite her wounded shoulder, the shock paddles of a defibrillator.
She smashes one into his machete, sparks flying as it booms out of his hand. The smell of charred flesh and ozone strong in the air, Jason goes stiff suddenly for a few seconds.

Back at the window both Tommy and Julius are trying to get the window open.
"Tina can you get this?" Tommy asks.
One hand pulling Kelly's face into her, she outstretches the other and strains her powers. The metal begins to buckle.
"We need to hurry" Julius shouts.
Chris charges the paddles again, about to push with both into Jason's seemingly stunned torso. The killer quickly reaches out grabbing Chris by the neck. Colours swim as her vision begins to blacken, she shouts out.
"Keep the camp open for me will you, make it safe for kids to play again" she smashes both charged pads into the killer.
The high voltage courses through both of of them sending them sprawling into different directions. Tina pushes the window out of the housing too.
Julius runs over to Chris, feeling her neck he looks back to Tommy and Tina then shakes his head. The other patients take this opportunity to run now. Tommy shakes his head then looks out the window. It's a good few feet to the ground, the hospital was built on quite an incline, to far for Kelly anyway.
"We need to get back out that way, this way is too high Julius" Tommy explains.
Julius makes like he spots something but Tommy is distracted as Jason once again rises to a sitting position. Jason gets to his feet then strides towards Tina Tommy and the young girl.
Julius has managed to sneak around the killer, Tina holds out her hand straining her powers. Stopping Jason in his tracks with her telekinesis. Though the giant killer fights against her control, Tina starts to drop to one knee.
Julius comes up behind Jason with four syringes full of sedatives. Ramming them into his side's and injecting the fluids into him.
Tina loses control as Jason's strength is to much for her, he hits Julius sending him flying. Her view now free Kelly screams at the sight of her would be relation.
Tommy now charges forwards with the bonesaw in hand, he is instantly caught by the one handed grip of the killer.
Jason places both hands on his neck. Tommy notices a quick waver in the killer strength and his remaining eye rolls back a little.
Using this lapse Tommy kicks the sedative trolley tray into the air. Jason shakes his head renewing his grip.
"Tina the sedatives use them" Tommy gasps for breath.
Though tired out she reaches out with some last reserves. Catching the syringes out of the air she sends three more into Jason's neck.
He drops Tommy reaching for the needles in his neck. Pulling them out then throwing them to the ground. Tommy backs away into the wall, trapped between two beds. Jason puts out both hands staggering towards our hero, much like when Chris hit him in the head with the axe in pt3.
Inches from Tommy's face the killer behemoth drops to his knees then keels over completely.
"Great let's get out of here" Tommy says jumping over the killer.
"No Tommy we need to take him with us" Julius says.
"Are you mad Julius?" Tommy shouts.
"Tommy if we leave him here there's no telling when he'll get up and follow us, the longer we leave this the stronger he gets as does the possibility of killing him"
"God damn Julius I hope your right, I'll go and get a stretcher, you two keep watch here" Tommy runs off.
"Do, you really need me to kill him?" Kelly suddenly asks.
"Is that why he wants to kill me?" She sobs.
"We'll see Kelly, if there's any other way we can do this we will darling okay" Julius reassures her.
Though Tina doesn't look so reassured herself from behind the small girl.
"I don't want to kill anyone, won't he just leave us alone?"
"We won't let him hurt you darling" Tina says.
Tommy comes rushing back in, tentatively the two men load Jason's body onto it. Julius grabs the three bottles of sedatives from the tray, he loads up three more hypodermic needles. Before they move off he sinks the needles into Jason topping off the killers sedation.
"Take these you'll need to keep him topped up until we get him to the house" he hands Tommy the bottles and needles. Outside they quickly load Jason onto the back of Tommy's pickup truck. Julius, Tina and Kelly get into the front while Tommy bravely sits in the back keeping Jason sedated.

Despite only a thirty minute drive we see Tommy using the last of the sedatives as Julius pulls up near the wreckage of the Voorhees house.
Leaping from the front and back of the truck, the four are immediately assaulted by the neighbors across the road.
"You can't be here you sick freak, they never should have let you free Tommy Jarvis!" The wife shouts.
"These your killer accomplises?" The husband says swinging his shotgun around.
"What's this in the truck, another corpse?" The wife asks
"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Julius warns her.
"Check it Harold" she commands her husband.
He goes to throwback the sheet covering Jason but the killer is already coming around. He grabs Harold's arm, Kelly screams as the man let's of a blast in terror.
"Harold, what is it!" Screams his wife.
Jason however drags Harold into the back of the truck where he snaps the mans back over the side of the truck bed.
"Run, get the back of the house" Julius shouts to the others.
Harold's wife attempts to run but Jason grabs and throws a random wrench from the back of Tommy's pickup. It embeds itself into the old hags head, she immediately drops dead.
Leaping from the truck Jason follows immediately after the group. They all watch as Jason strides towards them, their terror growing as he draws near.
"Julius do something, the knife or shoot him!" Tommy shouts.
"I've been out of ammo since the police station, Tina try slow him down" Julius asks.
Spying the rusted mangled jungle gym, she sends it flying at the killer. With all her telekinetic might she bends it around the frame of the killer. Jason drops to floor strangling against the metal bonds.
"Now Kelly can use the knife while he's incapacitated" Tommy shouts.
"No the girls always been a last chance Tommy, I haven't been totally truthful with you, your father's mother was a Voorhees, Pamela's older sister in fact since the original killings your father never told you to protect you" Tommy looks on disbelievingly.
"All this time, he's been linked to me?" Tommy cries.
"It's been no coincidence, that's why he went after Trish first, I did try to warn her but she didn't want to believe"
"The damn feds they brainwashed her, made her believe non of it was real, they tried for years with me too, even Tina" he looks over to her.
"I could really use your help, he's breaking free" Tina shouts.
Julius takes the blade from his coat removing the bag from it he hands it to Tommy, the blade instantly forms into the Voorhees killing dagger. Tommy looks it over then charges toward the incapacitated Jason.
"Time to die once and for all maggot breath" Jason's arm breaks free.
It's too little too late for giant killer though as Tommy plunges the knife into the behemoths chest. Jason falls to knees clawing at his chest with the one free arm for a change we actually hear him roaring in pain.
Falling to his knees, Tina slips unconscious from her exertion just as all the metal piping falls away from the killer. He falls forwards pushing the dagger even further into him.
The night goes eerily quiet as goes completely silent.
"Is he dead is it done?" Tommy asks.
He runs over to the unconscious Tina, who Kelly is shaking.
"I don't know, he was dragged to hell I was told last time maybe it doesn't have enough power to do that anymore"
"Or maybe hell doesn't even want him anymore" Tommy remarks.
Before any of them can react however the clanging of metal from the killers direction makes them turn. Jason, though noticeably weaker, even looking less charred (like his skin looking more human like) begins to rise.
"It wasn't enough, Tommy you need" before Julius can finish however Jason has pulled the knife from his chest and thrown it into Julius's back. It returns to normal form and slips out.
Mouthing the words Julius says weakly, "it'll take the blood of a Voorhees to stop him for good now."
Tommy nods, he picks up the knife which once again transforms in his grip.
"Keep your eyes covered Kelly, if this doesn't work, run and never stop running okay darling" he strides over to Jason.
The killer is using a long metal pole to help get himself to his feet. Tommy rolls back the sleeve of his shirt. He drags the dagger down his arm. The blood seems to soak into blade it's power slightly invigorated by the taste of fresh blood.
It's taken on a dull but definite red glow. Tommy charges at the bane of his life, Jason raises the bar to counterstrike. Closing his eyes Tommy waits for the strike that never comes as he strikes upward with the dagger. Thrusting it deep into where he hopes the killers heart lay.
Opening his eyes he sees the red glow spread out like lightening around Jason's Torso. It burns around his entire body, looking up into the masked face the red electric finishes in the killers only good eye. Like a like bulb the eye turns back and the now totally lifeless body of the killer crashes to the ground, somehow in the exact circle of dead grass where arose. Tommy see's the killer looks even more human than ever before, like the knife has exercised something from within him.
Tommy looks over, Tina lowers her hand, she must have somehow came too and prevented Jason's final strike against him. She smiles.
"Is he dead?" Asks Kelly.
"I think it's over, I think it's finally over" she notices Julius "oh, Julius no" she cries.
The sudden sound of a helicopter comes out of no where, bright spotlights shine down on them and Jason's corpse. Tina draws Kelly nearer her while Tommy looks about bewildered.
The craft lands and a lithe young brown haired woman exits it with her hair blowing around her face. She has a stern but friendly look on her face. She walks over to Tommy extending her hand to shake.
"My name is Rowan Lafontaine, sorry I haven't been able to get here until now" Tommy shakes her hand.
"What is this, what's going on?" Tommy asks
"Since we thought we killed Jason last time the FBI has been working on a new place, not far from here we have the crystal lake research facility" a second person exits the chopper.
This man has greying hair, glasses and a nonchalant look on his face. Out of nowhere soldiers come running along with a stretcher.
"Enough chat with non essential personnel Rowan" he says sternly.
The soldiers begin loading Jason's dead body onto the stretcher.
"You can't do that, he's very dangerous" he warns.
"That's none of your business anymore Mr Jarvis, you and the others will be compensated for your troubles" the man says.
Rowan however looks to Tommy seriously.
"I assure you he's in good hands, I know everything about him, thanks to you" she winks at him.
Soldiers come and start to lead Tommy, Tina and Kelly towards an APC. Before he gets in he turns back to Rowan and says.
"I wouldn't remove that dagger out of him, one day at some time it'll bite you in the ass" he warns.
Rowan just nods. Behind her the soldiers carting off Jason's corpse the camera zooms in as his hand falls out from under the sheet ki, ki, ki, ma, ma, ma
Roll credits.

Phew this has taken a lot longer than I thought, I'm no script writer or full novel writer, yes I've wrote and had published short stories but with help. Please if things seem shitty edited etc I do this all myself and will be constantly re-editing from time to time.

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