Friday 18 January 2019

THN Interviews: Decades Apart Productions on new Film Silver Stars on Red Velvet

THN has been granted an interview with Decades Apart Production on the newest film they are currently working on.

R J Cusyk is a great guy who I've always had good relations with over our love of low budget movie making. Nay not even low budget super low budget. As you'll discover later in the interview just how much money this company manages to work on and expertly squeeze out each penny/cent.
It's the small guys like these that deserve everything they get as they work so very, very hard with constant worry of something fucking up. When they do make something it's usually very special, pushes the boundaries and groundbreaking.
I love the premise for this one and can't wait to see it in the near future.

1. Where did you get the idea for the new film from this time?

The main story came about due to a conversation I had with a former girlfriend. I mentioned if she ever cheated on me that I would date an adult film star. The idea seemed a bit comical to me so I began writing a script in which a guy does indeed date an adult film star to get back at an ex-girlfriend. However, the idea started taking a dark turn very early on and I figured “hey, it’s a giallo now.”

2. What's been the budget this time and how have you spent it this time?

The budge this time is an estimated $6,000. This covers our poster, our music, and the film itself. It hasn’t been easy but I think we’ve done well stretching out budget out. We have a lot more sets compared previous projects. We really tried to be frugal but also try out new techniques.

3. Have you learnt anything new in the way of effects on this production, practical or else?

The last film you saw from us was our giallo film Through the Devil’s Eyes. Since that time, we have made two other feature length films, which had a lot of different experimentation, a lot of the stuff that worked, made it into this film. We do have some new effects and ideas being implemented as well, so don’t worry that you’ve seen all this from us before. One of the biggest reasons why we didn’t use a lot of blood in Through the Devil’s Eyes was the recipe we used for a more giallo-esque blood had the tendency to stain. For this film, I decided to try and create a shade similar to what we used there but also wanted to make sure it didn’t have the tendency to stain.

THN: as stated in something so low a budget production they even have to think about staining of clothes etc, these are the extra worries small productions companies like these have to face to keep budget down!

4. How far along in the production are you?

We’re currently recording ADR, recording folly and having music composed by PacoPeriago. We have worked with Paco before on our film Keeping Justice.

5. When will we see it completed and available and where will it be available from, shops, streaming services etc.?

I’m looking at an October release date. It will be available on DVD alongside our previous projects through our website Unfortunately, the film has been deemed as extremely offensive, so it will not be available on Amazon.

THN: that sucks, considering some of the rubbish that gets released on Amazon that they won't give you a chance to show your work on there.

6. Who are your actors and where have we seen them before or is this a debut for them?

Max Caudell will be playing our male lead; he is best known for If By 40, Keeping Justice, and Edge of Insanity. Laura Sharlotte will be playing our female lead; this is her first role in a feature film. Michael Lakota Dillon, known for Keeping Justice and A Final Hit, will also be joining us. Finally, Joseph Calverase will be reprising his role from Through the Devil’s Eyes.

THN: it'll be nice to see Joseph back in his role from that film

7. Any other projects in the works or on the horizon you'd like to tell us about?

We have a few projects lined up after this one. However, I don’t want to say too much about them in case something falls through, this often happens with independent projects.

8. Will we be seeing you and/or the film at any festivals this year?
I’m hoping to get Silver Stars into a few upcoming festivals, it would really be great.

9. Finally anything you would like to add here:

Thank you so much for the interview, keep an eye open for Silver Stars on Red Velvet, coming soon.

THN: Well there you have it we'll have this latest giallo offering from a company that I personally think needs much more recognition for the time and work they put into their productions.

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