Saturday 30 June 2018

THN Top 5: Most Wanted Reboots/Sequels

With the upcoming new Halloween, that's a Reboot, Sequel and Remake all in one film us here at THN have decided to throw our minds to what we'd like to see next and in what form they might choose to be their destroyer, or redeemer.
It'll be horror franchises of course those things I can't get enough of, be them bad good or mediocre i'll invest time into something that give me a series of films to watch.

So in at number 5:

Nightmare on Elm Street Series:
Freddy Krueger has already had a shot at remake, just like Jason did except his outing was an abysmal failure. Not that Jackie Earl Hailey is to blame he did everything he could with the shitty script, so this I think falls into reboot territory. As much as I'd like to see Robert England reprise the role he is unfortunately getting on a bit now at 71.
Not that I don't think he could do it mind, the prosthetic pieces and make up cover a lot of sins after all. I just think that this would do well with new blood now and some creative writing, unlike the latest reboot though a slight tongue in cheek aspect has to be kept by Freddy in order to keep it feeling authentic.
One last hurrah by England might be a foray into Freddy vs Jason 2 perhaps?

At No4:

Leprechaun Series:
Another one that's had a semi reboot already but not in the same vein as NoES, is Leprechaun. Though I think the newer film is not part of the series as proper. It's also serious, well more serious than the main films. I think a proper sequel bringing this film back to it's stolen gold roots more (like 1-3) would be fine. Warwick Davies I think would be fine to return for one more outing as the wee green fellow too.

At No3:

Hellraiser Series:
The abysmal continuations of this series need to stop without Doug Bradley in them. Write a god damned good script that Doug wants to do and try to finish it off with a flair. He said he'd come back if the story was good and he was allowed to read it first, except people keep writing sub-par sequels that they wont show him unless he agrees to star.
since part 4 we have sequels that do not centre around the box or even the cenobytes, they are pretty much subplots added to a terrible film. The last 2 didn't even star Doug for the aforementioned reasons. Get it right and get Doug back!

At No2

Friday the 13th Series:
This is and odd one, i'd like to see both a sequel to Jason x and to the reboot, then whichever one impresses me the most is where i'd like to see the series stick too. Kane Hodder could come back as Jason in Ft13th pt11 and Derrick Mears in reboot Ft13th part 2.
As most will know i kind of regard the 2009 film as a quasi sequel anyway, it feels more like more of Jason than a reboot, like an earlier untold story. Whatever comes about it might be a while due to the court case and I hope they don't go with the Elias Vorhees rubbish i'd heard about before they canned the last film.

At No1

Childs Play/Chucky Series:
Ok this is another one where I think a good remake/reboot of the original would be nice to see, also I want to see this last I was a fan of the last film but with the whole multiple soul division thing going on now, I think one more to finish it off proper is on the cards as I think they've played out all possible avenues now.
A Reboot/Remake would allow them to back to the roots and make it scary again, like the first one was, where you didn't much of Chucky until the end of the film.

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