Sunday 31 July 2022

Review: Fear Street 1666 (2021)

Stars: Kiana Madeira, Emily Rudd 

Budget: Unknown 

Directed By: Leigh Janiak

Well, well the 3rd movie in the series of books by R L Stein. This one is mostly set in 1666 showing what happened to the witch and the truth about it all.

This is where it goes a little to I hate to use the word, but this was the biggest inclusion of "wokeness" I've seen in any movie to get their point across. I say this as identifying as an asexual romantic myself, but thats enough about me.

It does do well to bring all the past storylines together but I think that's it's only bonus. So back in 1666 (being played by everyone from past movies, though they do have their own faces too) two friendly girls, one the supposed witch find themselves in love. Now back in 1666 this was considered a satanic malady. Of course it was pretty biblical back then. But here's my problem with that, it was 1666! You can't retroactively say oooh that was bad back then and it still is.....

I'm sorry but being called something occasionally and I'm from the 80s mind, is a damn sight massive improvement over being drowned, burned, hanged, all three or something worse back then. But enough of that, it's a weak plot too. But that's not just it, she's not the witch, it's one of the sheriffs decendants who seemed good through most of the 3 movies. No i saw it a mile off too despite never reading or hearing about these books befode this film series.

They do ultimately solve the problem which is witchcraft but more warlockcraft now. 

THN AWARDS fear street 1666 a decent 2 out of 5 stars watch if you've committed to the series of 3 films.

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