Tuesday 10 May 2022

THN Ramble: My Fave Streamers

Something I do a lot of is watch (mostly horror) movie streamers on the old YouTube. I really wish I had gotten into it a long time ago but the state of strikes and people out to fuck you over from what I see on these people's channels makes me have a lack of want for it.
So I turn to these 5 reviewers, now I love these 5 the most because they have a shtick. A good one too that adds and entertains on their channels. Here are the 5 that entertain me the most in no particular order.

1. Decker Shado
Hes the internet personality with the best hair, he certainly has amazing flowing locks too. I like Deckard as he puts a lot of himself into his videos, he's very down to earth.
He reviews some very off the wall or low budget films too that I might not of even known of if he hadn't.
Not only that he explains things very well no matter what he's reviewing. He's doing what he loves and you can tell because he's very annoyed by copyright claims, rightly so as he's doing it fair use. Not only that SOME of these places should be thanking him for exposure. I don't think he's had a good past from things he's said so I'm happy he's keeping this up and entertaining us all. Hope he never loses them locks lol.

2. Mike Bracken aka The Horror Geek
Damn I'm old, is one of my favourite lines from Mike. Usually so because I know exactly what he means lol. Mike very down to earth too and relatable in his love for gorehound movies.
Which is Mike's thing, he rates his movies on barf bag ratings. I like this because sometimes I just want to watch a splatterhouse kind of movie i can turn off too. Please take this the right way too, Mike's very informed compared to some Americans I even know personally. For a start he knows wales lol. He also suffers from the tyranny of YouTube censors. His channel also feels as close to something that I would like to make.

3. Brandon Tenold
Brandon is a Canadian who reviews a diverse number of films. From monster flicks, both sci-fi and horror to plain horror also. He's one of the more set in stone Tubers, he's even made documentaries on them, or at least had some input in them.
Everything from Decapitation! To him changing a music track makes me smile.
Also his extreme dislike of Kenny's in kaiju movies (watch them you'll get it then).
Another thing is he has a dry sense of humour which is something I like, he says everything so straight laced and serious but in a comedic way. Again thanks to him I've now seen some really obscure knock off films I don't think I ever would have otherwise.

4. Stitched Together Pictures
Or the maniacal cinephile, or Andy lol. A bandaged guy with multiple personalities, kind of reminds me of the guy you play in nightmare creatures 2. His thing is as said the multiple personalities, good Andy, normal Andy and evil Andy.
He's a functional schizophrenic as he knows about them and regularly converses between them. Despite normal Andy usually doing the bulk of the reviews we also get a simplistic good view smattering from the child like good Andy. Then a growling masochistic view from bad Andy. These are all of course done in a tongue in cheek comedic style.
In skits we learn Andy is a somewhat escaped asylum patient. We see in small skits from time to time. Often bad Andy has killed people to get them (or himself) something. Despite this he gives honest opinions on things he reviews. One of my favourite things he does is boots to reboots where he compares two movies usually the OG film compared to a more recent remake.
If he deems them bad he stamps on them with a big heavy metal boot destroying them in the process.
Would like to see more of his channel but I guess he's a busy guy, also I suspect his videos take a while to put together.

5. Fanboy Flicks
Is a newer one to me, Mark is also a Canadian I have fallen in love with very quickly. Again it's the dry sense of humour, there's a difference though. Every now and then Mark will break into laughter at his own jokes or at the scene he's trying to review.
One of my favourite things he does is put himself inside of the film in scenes. Very effectively to great comedic effect most of the time. Again a great source for more obscure films, espcially older ones.
Again a little sporadic with uploads but I'm also guessing all the work he puts in takes a lot of time too. If that means a sporadic upload then that's fine with me.

Since I'm writing this on a phone if any of the people mentioned read this please feel free to put your links in the message box. It's very hard for me to link so many on my phone, if I can re-edit this at some point on a pc or laptop I'll put in more stuff like pictures, links etc.
To anyone else since I'm in no way able to help monetary wise with these folks, please go find their channels and subscribe you won't be disappointed.

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